An Arapahoe Update About School Functionality During COVID-19


Skylynn McDowell, Reporter

As of this morning, an update was sent out to students with more details pertaining to Arapahoe High School’s in-person learning model. This update was in the form of an email from the principal, Mrs. Pramenko.
Students of Littleton Public Schools have recently found out that the initial in-person learning plan has been modified to a hybrid learning structure. This means that two of the school days will be spent at school, and three will be spent at home. The email sent on August 3, 2020 outlines what this will look like in the upcoming weeks when school begins. Here are some key points from the email:

The variable schedule will be temporarily modified, but how is still unclear. TRIBE will not be continuing until school returns to how it used to be.
Mask wearing is still required.
Certain doors have been determined as enter or exit only.
The days in the school building and at home for each student have been divided by last name.
Social distancing guidelines leave limited availability for busses. Suggestions on how to solve this are included in the email.
Students and staff are the only ones allowed in the school building until further notice.
No assemblies or large gatherings will be permitted to allow for social distancing and limit exposure.
The online method will be more structured as Arapahoe teachers will have training in online teaching. All Arapahoe teachers must use Google Classroom.
Students and staff are expected to monitor their health and stay home if any symptoms of COVID-19 arise.
Students are not permitted in any department office (such as English Office, Math Office, etc.) Virtual or socially distanced meetings with teachers are instead encouraged.
Drinking fountains will be off limits, but the water bottle fillers are available for use.
No student will be assigned a locker until further notice in order to combat hallway traffic.
Activities and sports will be determined by CHSAA suggestions.

Updates will be posted once more information has been released to LPS families.

Read the full email here for more details and other important information: (There is also information that was not expressed in this update. It is not about COVID-19 schooling but is still worth your time).