Warrior Media’s First Ever “Scary Story Contest” Winners Are Guaranteed to Give You Chills.

Click the links below to read the top 5 submissions for this year’s theme: haunted forest.

Jaden Cottorone and Mae Bryant

This contest is long overdue. When one of my new staffers, Mae Bryant, introduced the idea of a Scary Story contest to me, I thought “why in the world haven’t we hosted one before?” It was timely, engaging, and overall just a genius idea. With the help of myself and our adviser, Mr. Anderson, Mae organized a fantastic outlet for creative writers hidden in our student body. We ended up with 17 submissions that absolutely blew me away. I can say without a doubt that all of our participants possess the most inventive storytelling minds I’ve ever encountered amongst my peers. Mae plans to continue this as a tradition while at Arapahoe, and I fully expect to be invited as guest judge next year when I’m in college so I can read more of these brilliant creations. I want to give a big thank you to our judges- Mr. Kuhlmann, Mrs. Wheeler and Kristin Avery. Of course, thank you to all that took the time to participate and congratulations to our top five winners. Check them out!

– Jaden Cottorone, Editor-In-Chief of the Arapahoe Herald Magazine