Men’s Volleyball at Arapahoe


Vivianna DeNittis, Herald Reporter

Men’s Volleyball is a relatively new sport at Arapahoe High School. The club was started by Quinn Miller, an Arapahoe alumni, in the spring of 2016. The club is gaining momentum as they gain new teammates each season. This current season there was a new level added, to allow for more room for players.

The games are lively and fast paced. The Arapahoe boys have a spirit of camaraderie that fills the gym; every spectator is pulled into the race to 25 points. The huddle is a time of team work and discussion, where the coaches instill feelings of pride and encouragement. Every teammate is included and has a chance to succeed.

On March 21, the white team played and fought hard against Cherry Creek High School’s and Faith Christian Academy’s teams in the same level. Against Cherry Creek, the Arapahoe boys won both games. And though the team was expected to lose against Faith Christian, the boys walked into the game with a winning attitude. They lost both games against Faith, but they fought hard until the very end.

The boys on the volleyball teams love to have a rowdy crowd and the support of their fellow Warriors at their games. Their next game is at Heritage High School on Tuesday, April 18 at 6 PM.