Toms – Seeing Past the Pom-Poms

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Liv Moody, Spear Contributor

Dancing, cheering, and shaking our pom-poms for the team we bleed black and gold for has many perks. My favorite perk being my free, front row seats to Friday Night Warrior football. Every screaming fan at the LPS stadium has a different perspective of the game, my perspective consists of an overwhelming crowd bellowing cheers in my face, opposing football teams blocking my view of the game and stadium lights that keep me up to date on the weather and the bugs. The band finds appropriate times to give us a beat to dance along with, in spirit of an exciting game no matter the score. No amount of fumbles, penalties or opposing touchdowns can make us lose our spunk. Dripping in sweat or freezing to death we stay until the end despite the result of the game. We are known as the Toms, and our perspective of the game is pretty cool.