Top Nine Horrible Things BuzzFeed Does. Number 6 Will Blow Your Mind!
What BuzzFeed does behind the scenes that you should know about
November 30, 2016
- BuzzFeed uses crappy clickbait titles just like the one I use to rope in poor customers for clicks and views. This tactic is extremely effective, but as soon as many educated people see these titles, they know what they are in for-sub-par quality entertainment, and an outlet extremely attentive for views rather than quality.
- BuzzFeed has terrible treatment of employees, and amuses them, uses them, and abuses them, and then disposes of them once they have wiped all creativity from them. The company uses tactics to gain enthusiastic young employees, whom they quickly give a massive video quota. The new employees are immediately forced to produce sub-par content, often copied and must make many clickbait-ish videos which must appeal to certain demographics and go viral quickly to get the most views.
- BuzzFeed employees, in their desperate bid for “new content” often plagiarize and outright steal or copy GIFs, photos, and even entire ‘Top Ten’ lists in order to make their videos or articles. This creates massive problems for true, original content creators, who cannot fight such a massive media outlet such as BuzzFeed. They then just have to deal with the fact that their video can get 80k views in a year or two, while a near replica by BuzzFeed can get 115k views in one day, robbing the original content provider of any chance of their video or article going viral, or mainstream.
- BuzzFeed prides itself on being an extremely diverse company, any and all are welcome to be content producers-unless you happen to be a white male. Yes, BuzzFeed Canada placed an ad to hire people, but that no white males need apply. For being a company which openly condemns racism and sexism, they sure have no trouble being racist and sexist to a large percentage of the population, lots of whom would gladly write for the media outlet and directly to the target audience.
- BuzzFeed also has one major target audience-the LGBT+ community. There’s nothing wrong with that, but that in their unpaid interns category of the workforce, an overwhelming majority is Transgender people, who are signed on to write articles on the LGBT+ community, and are rarely allowed to rise in the ranks. Most being cut out before reaching a paid position. This makes it seem as if the diverse and homey company, is actually using the Transgender community for free work, generating more profits. This happens with every media company, with any demographic, but in BuzzFeed is most disproportionate towards Transgendered people, as the work they do tends to generate the most views and likes in BuzzFeed’s target demographics.
- BuzzFeed is a private media company. Therefore, they accept no tax dollars, and that is the huge reason why they are much more concerned with quantity over quality. Because of this, BuzzFeed must result to producing media with the only goal of views and likes in mind. That is also why BuzzFeed has multiple channels on Youtube as well. It allows the corporate beast to get as many views as humanly possible.
- BuzzFeed’s specific target audience includes hard-core feminists and SJW’s. This being the case, BuzzFeed tends to bend the facts a lot of the time, and caters to people’s feelings rather than the actual research. This promotes a ‘Special Snowflake Syndrome’ where people believe that they are in peril where they are not, and that there feelings are more important than the ability to use the first amendment. Many top writers at BuzzFeed have consistently pushed for ‘Safe Spaces’ and other censorship of content deemed ‘offensive to some’ and the use of ‘trigger warnings’ in schools and other public areas, for people who believe something ‘triggers them’ or makes them feel emotionally uncomfortable. This kind of thinking can make people forget the lifelong lesson of learning to ignore what you don’t wish to experience.
- BuzzFeed promotes the dangerous thoughts of the fat-acceptance movement for people who believe that being fat is just as healthy as being in a healthy BMI, as multiple diseases related to obesity have been confirmed by the Surgeon General of the U.S. I think most people can agree that obesity can be not entirely the sufferer’s fault, but accepting that level of unhealthiness and not doing anything about it can lead to major long term health implications, and can be dangerous to others. Obesity related diseases and ailments are a major cause to the raising cost of healthcare, and can prevent lower-income individuals from getting healthcare for more serious non-preventable ailments.
- BuzzFeed employees are usually less-than satisfied after leaving the company, mostly because of strenuous work, but also that they are not legally allowed to produce any original content on their own, outside of work. This doesn’t allow producers and editors to produce their own content for fun, and also forces many of them to shut down their own-usually quite popular-youtube channels. This can be the breaking point for many employees as they cannot produce content they really wish to produce, and many aspiring video-makers would much rather make good quality content with less views and longer periods of editing in between than produce near constant low quality content with millions of views.