Sources of Strength Starts a New Year

The Sources of Strength Wheel

All credit due to

The Sources of Strength Wheel

Tony Mai, Reporter

Sources of Strength is starting of this year with the theme of Positive Friends for the month of January. Along with that, they are determined to produce many events that the whole school can be a part of.

At the moment, some big events that will be taking place include a Polaroid photo booth and a positive-friend-themed video that will play during TRIBE.

Tony Mai

Peer leaders plan to set up “photo booths” in multiple locations around the school on January 25th and 26th. These photos will be taken with polaroid cameras with various backgrounds and props for the photos. The locations of the booths are to be determined.

Tony Mai

The video that will be shown in TRIBE on January 31st will be demonstrating the difference between positive and not-so-positive friends.

Other smaller events that are being planned are “Pancakes with Pals” and a positive friends note chain.

Tony Mai

For the positive friends not chain, peer leaders will give all English teachers a note to give to all students as a class. The note and instructions will be to write a kind note to a positive friend. These will be turned back into the teachers.  Teachers will give them back to SOS who will deliver the notes to the students with an additional blank note and instructions stapled to them. They are hoping to create a “positive friends note chain.

“Pancakes with Pals” on a PLC Wednesday morning in January will be an event where the student body is invited to show up early, and invite a friends to enjoy a pancake breakfast. The date is to be determined.

Other events are still in development, but Sources of Strength encourages you to remember and appreciate your positive friends this Month!