Who is Pauly G?

Pauly G’s album art for his newest release, “JOKE”

Olivia Janicek, CEO

Amidst the stress of college applications and school homework, AHS senior Paul Gordon finds time in his busy schedule to pursue a personal passion: music, specifically, rap. Though its only been a few months since his music initially appeared, he’s managed to craft both an album and an image. He calls himself “Pauly G”, and his music is a reflection upon his own life. Born out of suburban childhood, his lyrics comment upon his own experiences.

(Like many other rappers, Pauly G uses graphic language in his songs, and listener discretion is advised)

Pauly G’s most popular song, “Centennial”, embodies the perceptions Gordon associates with his suburban realities. His music video further concretes such a truth, as one shot features Gordon amongst a crowd of teenage friends, dancing in an empty park at night.

Pauly G’s career remains in its early stages. However on Spotify, he’s already amassed 125 monthly listeners, a remarkable amount for a part-time rapper. He hopes to increase his following with the premiere of his first show on January 4th, 2019. He will play Headliner Vocals Centennial at 7pm that Friday night, with fellow student rapper Ritz Gang (Cooper Marks) opening the show.

I decided to interview Pauly G regarding his upcoming he show. He spoke with me about his music career, and his intentions for the future.

What do you want people to know about your concert?

“This concert is one of the first times that talent from AHS is coming together outside a school event to truly showcase the artistic value AHS has. I’m very excited to bring together artists from Arapahoe and show the world and our community what Arapahoe High School has to offer.”

Why did you decide to start making music? 

“I have been making music for a very long time and it started really, really, badly. I’ve been recording music since I was in 7th grade. The reason that I do it is that I really enjoy the art form. It’s beautiful, it’s raw, it’s entertaining, and it’s fun. When I make music, it makes me feel alive and like I’m apart of the culture. Which I strive to be.”

Who are your favorite artists? 

“Jack Harlow from Louisville, Kentucky. He’s awesome. Mac Miller. He’s a huge inspiration to me. I like the creativity of Ski Mask the Slump God, and I really like the Weeknd. That’s the short list.”

What would you consider your inspiration for your music? 

“My upbringing. It’s my youth. When I make music, it purely comes from the environment I’ve been raised in and the people I’m surrounded by each day in high school and my community.”

Tell me about your experience with rapper, Yung Gravy. 

“Back in April – I think the day was April 24th – I went to a Yung Gravy concert and he pulled me up onstage to rap with him. That’s when I decided that’s what I wanted to do. I had been rapping for a while, but when that happened it was an inspired moment for me. There’s a good chance that I’m going to open for Yung Gravy at his upcoming concert here.”

What are your plans for the future? 

“I’m going to go to college for political science at University of Colorado Boulder. I’m probably going to go to law school.”

Anything in the works, music-wise? 

“My debut studio album is being released January 2nd. It’s called “JOKE.””


You can buy tickets for Pauly G’s concert HERE.