Petra Sikorski- Senior Volleyball Profile

Becca Garner and Kelly Smith, Spear Contributor

Name: Petra Sikorski

Grade: 12

Position: Setter and Captain

Number: 9

Q: How many years you have played volleyball and what teams and include middle school if you did?

A: 10 years. Since 3rd grade. I played AYL in 3rd grade, Sports Bridge when I was in 4th and 5th, at Powell Middle School all three years, Performance Volleyball Club 6th and 7th, Colorado Volleyball Juniors in 8th grade, and CVA 9th.

Q: Favorite team/rival and why?

A: It depends on the season. Sophomore year it was Grandview because we always battled. Last year it was Creek because they gave us a challenge.

Q: Favorite pro player or someone you look up to and why?

A: My dad because he has taught me to persevere through adversity to achieve my dreams. It is the trials in life that form us, that make us who we are. Perhaps most important, to love and live intentionally because life is short.

Q: Advice to younger players?

A: Enjoy your time playing volleyball, work hard, and realize that things you do today make up the person you are tomorrow.

Q: Favorite quote/bible verse?

A: Who by worrying can add a single hour to his life? -Matthew 6:27

Q: 3 favorite things (candy, color, state, etc)?

A: Thai food, hiking, and traveling.

Why should people come out to watch the team?

A: People should come out because volleyball is a fun spectator sport and I mean that. There is a lot going on and the energy throughout matches is something worth being apart of.

Q: Anything else you would like to add?