Neo Maxi Zoom Dweebie: Withholding Judgement on The DIvision

Today is the first day of Tom Clancy’s The Division Beta, for Xbox One (Tomorrow for PS4) in which all who pre-ordered Ubisoft’s game would get to playtest for a couple of days. The Hype Train for the new MMORPG-FPS is running rampant. Many gamers are heralding this game as the beginning of a new era of gaming, or as a new concept entirely.

Photo from Ubisoft
Photo from Ubisoft

Hype culture in today’s society has become a norm. Most of the time something as hyped up as The Division causes disappointment among almost all who bought into said hype. This disappointment could most easily be seen from Bungie’s Destiny, which released in September of 2014. Fans who bought into Bungie’s Sci Fi MMORPG-FPS were left severely disappointed after release, due to incomplete storylines, lack of content and glitches.

The reason I’m bringing up Destiny, is because much of the hype that was directed towards Destiny is being regurgitated at The Division. Similar compliments and criticisms are being given to The Division as to Destiny. While The Division has all the potential to deliver on all it promises, it is important to remain objective and not overhype it like Destiny less than two years ago.

The problem with Hype Culture is that it artificially increases the expected value and enormity of an product, game, or movie that has not yet earned it. The hype surrounding The Division is detracting from the value of the game itself. The hype raises a game up to unbelievable standards that are impossible to reach, which can cause major disappointment for gamers when the game is fine itself.

I am not preordering The Division. I am waiting for the game to prove its status before I buy into it. I urge any other gamers to do the same, with this title and any in the future. Hype culture is bad for gaming, and Tom Clancy’s The Division has been hyped up.